Friday, 26 August 2016

Daily Vocabulary Dose (DVD) 26th August

1. Personnel- people employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.
2. Anarchy- I. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
                    II. absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
3. Apprehension- I. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
                                II. understanding; grasp.
                                III. the action of arresting someone.
4. Dislodge- to forcefully remove (something or someone) from a place or position.
5. Intimidate- to make timid or fearful
6. Cohesive- well-integrated; unified
7. Intractable- hard to control or deal with
8. Alliance- a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.
9. Breakthrough- a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.
10. Banquet- a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone
11. Transitional- movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc.
12. Ravage- I. cause severe and extensive damage to.
                      II. the destructive effects of something.
13. Compile- produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.
14. Nascent- beginning to exist or develop
15. Aghast- filled with horror or shock.
16. Coherent- I. logical and consistent.
                          II. forming a unified whole

P.S. : Hope you enjoyed today's DVD session. I selected these words while reading the popular newspaper "The Hindu". Do share your views in the comment section. For all your queries you can either contact me through the contact form provided in this blog or you can mail me at 
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Sunday, 21 August 2016


Hello readers! Today's session of DVD would be a bit different from our last two sessions. Previously I randomly picked up some words while reading "The Hindu". However in today's session we are going to deal with words that describe human personalities. We humans have different kinds of personalities. Here I am going to deal with ten personality types. Please read the words along with their explanations. In the coming days, I will be organising practice tests for your revision.

1. Egoist- These type of people think about themselves before anyone else. They are self centered and selfish people.
2. Egotist- These type of people are boastful to the point that annoys others. They are extremely conceited and keep bragging about themselves.
3. Altruist- Such persons are always willing to help others unselfishly. They always think about welfare of others.
4. Introvert- These type of persons are shy and reticent. They prefer being alone. They often appear unsocial to others.
5. Extrovert- They are outgoing and socially confident. They take no time to mingle with others.
6. Ambivalent- These type of people possess the traits of both extrovert and introvert. It all depends upon time and situation whether they act as introverts or extroverts.
7. Misanthrope- These type of persons basically hate everyone. They dislike human kind and avoid human society.
8. Misogynist- These type of people hate women. They are strongly prejudiced against women.
9. Misogamist- These type of people hate the complete idea of marriage. They don't want to get married and usually don't  accept marriage invitations.
10.  Ascetic- They have refrained themselves from all sorts of fleshly and earthly pleasures, typically for religious reasons. They live spiritual life.

P.S.- How did you find today's session of DVD? Do share your views, suggestions and queries in the comment section. Subscribe through your email ID to receive all our posts in your email ID for free. Join us on Facebook

Saturday, 20 August 2016


1. Grit- I). small loose particles of stone or sand ;
       II).   Strength of character
2. Impoverish - make a person or area poor
3. Accoutrements- additional item of dress or equipment
4. Cognisance- knowledge or awareness
5. Rapporteur- a person who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings
6. Speculation- I). the forming of theory or evidence without evidence
                            II). Investment in stocks, property etc. in hope of gain but with the risk of loss
7. Debenture- a long term security yielding a fixed rate of interest, issued by a company and secured by assets.
8. Stipulate- demand or specify (a requirement) typically as a part of an agreement.
9. Illustrious- well known, respected and admired for a past achievement
10. Rousing- I). exciting
                      II). Stirring a liquid (usually bear)
11. Candidly-I). frank, outspoken
                      II).  Free from reservation
12. Frenzy- A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior
13. Triumph- A great victory or achievement
14. Clinch- I). confirm or settle (a contract or bargain)
                 II).   A knot used to fasten ropes
15. Oblivious- not aware or concerned about what is happening around
16. Folly- lack of good sense, foolishness

P.S. - I hope you liked today's DVD session. Please like our Facebook page to make sure you don't miss any updates from us. Also get the post of this blog direct in your email id for free. Please sign up for our email subscription at the end of our page

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Daily Vocabulary Dose 16th August 2016

1. Stupendous- extremely impressive
2. Elude- escape from a danger or an enemy in a skilful way
3. Slamming- shot (a door or window) forcefully and loudly, To criticise severely
4. Culminate- reach a climax or a point of highest development
5. Surveillance- the act of watching someone or something in order to prevent or detect crime
6. Lease- a contract outlining the terms under which one party agrees to rent property owned by another party
7. Massacred- deliberately and brutally kill many people
8. Vigilant- keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
9. Atrocities- an extremely cruel act typically one involving physical injury


NEET 2016 result has been declared before the scheduled time. The result was expected to declare on 17th August 2016. However the result was declared a day before on 16th August. The cut off for unreserved students is 145. Surprisingly the cut off for OBC, SC and ST remains same at 118. Result can be checked at

Dipa Karmakar- Lost Medal ; Won Hearts

Dipa Karmakar has become a name familiar to the world after she represented India at 2016 Summer Olympics. She has become the first Indian gymnast to compete in the Olympics. She stood fourth in the fault final thus losing the bronze medal. However, she won many hearts with her Produnova vault. She finished her two vaults for an average of 15.066 and missed the medal by 0.15 of a point. The 23-year old from Tripura left behind gymnasts from China, North Korea, Uzbekistan and Canada who were more qualified than her. Simon Biles of US won the gold medal, followed by Maria Paseka of Russia and Giulia Steingruben of Switzerland who won the silver and the bronze medal respects.
After her performance in Rio on 15th August 2016, Karmakar told the Indian media, "My target is gold for life." We wish her best of luck and hope that she keeps making India proud.