Daily Vocabulary Dose (DVD)

Hello readers! Having a good knowledge of vocabulary is of great use. It helps you in many ways. Good knowledge of vocabulary makes your speech and writing piece even more influential. Moreover if you are going to appear in competitive exams then you must have a good knowledge of vocabulary. Questions involving synonyms and antonyms will test your word power. But what can you do to improve your word power? I personally feel that learning the dictionary may not be a good idea for most of us. I have seen people trying to learn dictionary and then giving up soon. There are countless words in the English dictionary. Do you think you can learn all of them? Well, there are people who have managed to learn the dictionary as well. But lets try to do something realistic which helps the majority.
Here at The Learning Era I have come up with a solution to help my readers. I am introducing Daily Vocabulary Dose (a.k.a DVD).  I will be picking up words from newspaper everyday and writing their meaning. Along with that I will frame sentences using those words to give you a better understanding of the meaning of the word. This way if we learn ten new words everyday it means we are going to learn three hundred new words every month. Remember to bring out any significant change in our knowledge of vocabulary we need to be very persistent. With consistency we will improve our knowledge of vocabulary to a great extent. 
Happy Learning! :)

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