Friday, 26 August 2016

Daily Vocabulary Dose (DVD) 26th August

1. Personnel- people employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.
2. Anarchy- I. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
                    II. absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
3. Apprehension- I. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
                                II. understanding; grasp.
                                III. the action of arresting someone.
4. Dislodge- to forcefully remove (something or someone) from a place or position.
5. Intimidate- to make timid or fearful
6. Cohesive- well-integrated; unified
7. Intractable- hard to control or deal with
8. Alliance- a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.
9. Breakthrough- a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.
10. Banquet- a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone
11. Transitional- movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc.
12. Ravage- I. cause severe and extensive damage to.
                      II. the destructive effects of something.
13. Compile- produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.
14. Nascent- beginning to exist or develop
15. Aghast- filled with horror or shock.
16. Coherent- I. logical and consistent.
                          II. forming a unified whole

P.S. : Hope you enjoyed today's DVD session. I selected these words while reading the popular newspaper "The Hindu". Do share your views in the comment section. For all your queries you can either contact me through the contact form provided in this blog or you can mail me at 
Please like our Facebook page so that you don't miss any updates from us. Also subscribe to us through email. It's absolutely free. Keep visiting us. Happy learning! :)

Sunday, 21 August 2016


Hello readers! Today's session of DVD would be a bit different from our last two sessions. Previously I randomly picked up some words while reading "The Hindu". However in today's session we are going to deal with words that describe human personalities. We humans have different kinds of personalities. Here I am going to deal with ten personality types. Please read the words along with their explanations. In the coming days, I will be organising practice tests for your revision.

1. Egoist- These type of people think about themselves before anyone else. They are self centered and selfish people.
2. Egotist- These type of people are boastful to the point that annoys others. They are extremely conceited and keep bragging about themselves.
3. Altruist- Such persons are always willing to help others unselfishly. They always think about welfare of others.
4. Introvert- These type of persons are shy and reticent. They prefer being alone. They often appear unsocial to others.
5. Extrovert- They are outgoing and socially confident. They take no time to mingle with others.
6. Ambivalent- These type of people possess the traits of both extrovert and introvert. It all depends upon time and situation whether they act as introverts or extroverts.
7. Misanthrope- These type of persons basically hate everyone. They dislike human kind and avoid human society.
8. Misogynist- These type of people hate women. They are strongly prejudiced against women.
9. Misogamist- These type of people hate the complete idea of marriage. They don't want to get married and usually don't  accept marriage invitations.
10.  Ascetic- They have refrained themselves from all sorts of fleshly and earthly pleasures, typically for religious reasons. They live spiritual life.

P.S.- How did you find today's session of DVD? Do share your views, suggestions and queries in the comment section. Subscribe through your email ID to receive all our posts in your email ID for free. Join us on Facebook

Saturday, 20 August 2016


1. Grit- I). small loose particles of stone or sand ;
       II).   Strength of character
2. Impoverish - make a person or area poor
3. Accoutrements- additional item of dress or equipment
4. Cognisance- knowledge or awareness
5. Rapporteur- a person who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings
6. Speculation- I). the forming of theory or evidence without evidence
                            II). Investment in stocks, property etc. in hope of gain but with the risk of loss
7. Debenture- a long term security yielding a fixed rate of interest, issued by a company and secured by assets.
8. Stipulate- demand or specify (a requirement) typically as a part of an agreement.
9. Illustrious- well known, respected and admired for a past achievement
10. Rousing- I). exciting
                      II). Stirring a liquid (usually bear)
11. Candidly-I). frank, outspoken
                      II).  Free from reservation
12. Frenzy- A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior
13. Triumph- A great victory or achievement
14. Clinch- I). confirm or settle (a contract or bargain)
                 II).   A knot used to fasten ropes
15. Oblivious- not aware or concerned about what is happening around
16. Folly- lack of good sense, foolishness

P.S. - I hope you liked today's DVD session. Please like our Facebook page to make sure you don't miss any updates from us. Also get the post of this blog direct in your email id for free. Please sign up for our email subscription at the end of our page

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Daily Vocabulary Dose 16th August 2016

1. Stupendous- extremely impressive
2. Elude- escape from a danger or an enemy in a skilful way
3. Slamming- shot (a door or window) forcefully and loudly, To criticise severely
4. Culminate- reach a climax or a point of highest development
5. Surveillance- the act of watching someone or something in order to prevent or detect crime
6. Lease- a contract outlining the terms under which one party agrees to rent property owned by another party
7. Massacred- deliberately and brutally kill many people
8. Vigilant- keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
9. Atrocities- an extremely cruel act typically one involving physical injury


NEET 2016 result has been declared before the scheduled time. The result was expected to declare on 17th August 2016. However the result was declared a day before on 16th August. The cut off for unreserved students is 145. Surprisingly the cut off for OBC, SC and ST remains same at 118. Result can be checked at

Dipa Karmakar- Lost Medal ; Won Hearts

Dipa Karmakar has become a name familiar to the world after she represented India at 2016 Summer Olympics. She has become the first Indian gymnast to compete in the Olympics. She stood fourth in the fault final thus losing the bronze medal. However, she won many hearts with her Produnova vault. She finished her two vaults for an average of 15.066 and missed the medal by 0.15 of a point. The 23-year old from Tripura left behind gymnasts from China, North Korea, Uzbekistan and Canada who were more qualified than her. Simon Biles of US won the gold medal, followed by Maria Paseka of Russia and Giulia Steingruben of Switzerland who won the silver and the bronze medal respects.
After her performance in Rio on 15th August 2016, Karmakar told the Indian media, "My target is gold for life." We wish her best of luck and hope that she keeps making India proud.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

ASK THE LEARNING ERA : Hi, I am pursuing English honors,and I am looking forward towards a profession other than that of a teacher.. Please suggest me other possible career options with a high rate of career growth probability..

Hello reader! You have asked a great question which is in the minds of every student pursuing B.A. in English. Here is the link to your answer.  If you go through this post you will know that if you have a good command over English, you have a great career ahead. Hope this helps. For any further query feel free to ask either by using the contact form of this blog or by mailing me at 
I will respond within 24 hours.

Scope after B.A. in English

Hello readers! This post is for all those who are pursuing B.A. in English also known as English (Honours). You must have wondered what you should do after completing your graduation. This article may help you find your dream career. Read on!
 You could either continue your further studies by pursuing masters degree or you could go for a job right after your graduation. I will deal with both these aspects one by one.
You can pursue masters degree in English (M.A. in English). After that you can be a lecturer or a teacher. Lecturer job is a promising one both in government and private sector.
Apart from this you can pursue MBA after graduation. Several exams like CAT, XAT, SNAP are conducted every year. Many B-schools accept the marks of these exams. One thing to be kept in mind is that even Maths is asked in these exams.  But you could work on it with a bit of effort. You could join a coaching to improve yourself in Maths. The reason why I am emphasising on MBA entrance exams is that these also consists of English as a section. Since you are an English graduate, you will be having a better edge over this section compared to other students.
You can also go for journalism. You can pursue masters degree in journalism from a reputed college. There are different courses available for journalism. Find out what will be good for you. Some of the career options after journalism are news anchor, RJ, reporter in newspapers and news channels, dialogue writer etc.
You can also pursue LLB after your graduation and become a lawyer.
To begin with, let me introduce you with the government jobs. Government jobs are the most sought after job by graduates of every discipline. You can go for SSC, IBPS, railway and LIC exams. All these exams consists of English section which will be an advantage for you. Government jobs are quite reliable as well as respectable.
You can work as a career counselor. You can go for freelance writing job. You can be an author.
You can open up a coaching class. Coaching classes need a bit of struggle in the beginning but once you are well established, it's quite a lucrative job. You can also open up a spoken English class and help people improving their spoken English. Lots of private firms and private banks are always in search of English graduates. You could also go in the field of advertising. Script writing is another good option for you.  You just need to keep yourself updated with the recruiters issued by the companies.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Daily Vocabulary Dose (DVD)

Hello readers! Having a good knowledge of vocabulary is of great use. It helps you in many ways. Good knowledge of vocabulary makes your speech and writing piece even more influential. Moreover if you are going to appear in competitive exams then you must have a good knowledge of vocabulary. Questions involving synonyms and antonyms will test your word power. But what can you do to improve your word power? I personally feel that learning the dictionary may not be a good idea for most of us. I have seen people trying to learn dictionary and then giving up soon. There are countless words in the English dictionary. Do you think you can learn all of them? Well, there are people who have managed to learn the dictionary as well. But lets try to do something realistic which helps the majority.
Here at The Learning Era I have come up with a solution to help my readers. I am introducing Daily Vocabulary Dose (a.k.a DVD).  I will be picking up words from newspaper everyday and writing their meaning. Along with that I will frame sentences using those words to give you a better understanding of the meaning of the word. This way if we learn ten new words everyday it means we are going to learn three hundred new words every month. Remember to bring out any significant change in our knowledge of vocabulary we need to be very persistent. With consistency we will improve our knowledge of vocabulary to a great extent.
Happy Learning! :)

Monday, 7 March 2016

Let's Celebrate Women's Day

Hello all the readers of The Learning Era! Wishing all of you a very Happy Women's Day. This is a day worth celebrating. We are so lucky to find women around us. I feel lucky to be born as a girl. A woman can play several roles. She could be a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a counselor, a guide. Its an age old saying that God couldn't be everywhere so he created mother. Such is the importance of women in our life. Today women are excelling in every field. They have not only restricted themselves to household chores but have shown their capabilities beyond that too. We hear successful stories of so many women. After two months from now when results of board exams will be declared, we will get to see the newspapers filled with stories of the girls making it to the top. Women have made their way to top industries. We have seen women topping exams as tough as civil services. The roles of women have changed significantly in the past few years. The views of the society towards women have also changed. Yes, at many places we are still not able to show equality towards women but I am not focussing on the darker side now. 
While talking about the achievements of women, I must take out some time to praise their families as well. I read somewhere "behind every successful woman is a family who believed in her and not the society". It feels great when I see a father saying that he is more focused towards getting his daughter well educated than towards getting her married. I also feel happy when I see a married girl appearing for exams. The scene when her husband comes to drop her to the examination center and wishes her good luck for the exams. Its a live example of watching India developing. 
I said in the beginning of this article that this day is worth celebrating. But can you tell me how are you celebrating this day? Are you going to cook food today and not letting the ladies of your house enter the kitchen for a day? Or are you going to buy some gift for them? Think about it. Is it enough to thank the women for all that they have done for us? Is one day enough to celebrate the importance of women in our life? The simple answer is NO! But then the question arises what can we do to honour the women whose presence in our lives make it worth living? Well, we don't have to do much. We just have to take few resolutions and implement them in our life.  Yes, you heard it right! Who said only new years are for talking the new year resolutions? Let's together take some resolutions to make the women feel special. Let me tell you about a resolution I took this year. I am not going to attend any "dahej wali shadi". I won't attend any marriage involving dowry in any form. And I feel that its the simplest yet quite effective way of protesting against dowry system. We all have read about women being burnt alive for dowry. There are parents who are ready to give huge amount of dowry but are not willing to spend on their daughter's education. We should also take a resolution of not judging a girl on the basis of her clothes. Just because she is not wearing traditional salwar kameez, doesn't mean she is characterless. Respect a girl irrespective of what she wears. Another great resolution for women's day will be to include the women in the discussions going on in the house. The discussion could be about anything between an upcoming family function to the financial matters and managing the budget. Gone are those days when women were supposed to do only household chores. Involve women in discussions and they may come up with some extraordinary ideas. Encourage woment of your house or whom you know to learn various skills. Encourage them to be self sufficient. Make them learn skills like driving and self defense. Have you seen women lifting weights in the gym? Don't consider women to be weak. And that will be the best way to give them a feeling of equality.
How are you celebrating this women's day? Share your ideas with me through the comment.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

ASK THE LEARNING ERA: i am studying in 9th std... and i need a big help in writing section of english teacher told me to read books,i read books also.but i am only able to score btveen 50to 55s out of 70 marks exams.....could u plzz tell me something to improve my writing skills????quick ans plzzz

Hey there! If you are scoring somewhere between 54-55 out of 70, it means that you are scoring approximately 80%. This isn't a bad marks though there are chances of improvement. Keep one thing in mind that the teacher should use red ink in your answer sheet only for giving tick marks. Don't give the teacher any scope of pointing out mistakes in your answer sheet. Pay special attention to grammar. Remember grammar is not only important in the grammatical section of English exam but all the other section ad well.  Tense and narration are very important part of grammar. If you don't have command over these seconds you are likely to lose your marks. Observe where you tend to lose your marks in writing section. Do you lose your marks because of the content or because of grammar. Don't make your sentences too long. Try using simple language. Avoid grammatical mistakes. Don't keep rewriting the same thing just for the sakw of filling up your answer sheet. These are few general tips to score more in English. Hope it helps. For further query feel free to contact me using the contact form or mail me at
Happy learning! :)

Monday, 8 February 2016


PART - 1 

Hello everyone! From today I have started writing chapters of grammar in my blog. Importance of grammar is well known to all of you. You can't score well in English unless you have complete command over grammar. While including the chapters of grammar of grammar in my blog I'll keep in mind the requirements of school and board exams as well as competitive exams like SSC, Banking, Railway etc. I feel that the way of studying grammar remains the same whether you are in school or you are preparing for competitions. The grammatical rules are the same for everyone. If you have studied grammar well in your school days you will be scoring good in competitive exams too. And if you are not able to score good in competitive exams then instead of going through very high level books, you should go through some standard grammar book for class 9th and 10th. In this chapter I will be discussing tense with you. For your convenience I have written the chapter part wise. This is the first part and will be consisting of introduction some basic points. I suggest you not to skip this part as this part is very helpful in building foundation for further study of tense. Happy Learning!
Tense is that form of a verb which denotes the time of an action and its degree of completeness.
Time and tense are NOT the same thing.
Time is basically a concept.
Let's go through some examples to understand the difference between time and tense. 
1. He goes to Patna. => Present time, Present Tense
2. He went to Patna. => Past time, Past tense
3. He goes to Patna tomorrow => Future time, Present tense. Though the word "goes" denotes present tense, the sentence denotes future time.
4. He wanted to see you. => Past tense, Present, Past and Future time. The word "wanted" is in past tense but the sentence is in past, present and future time.
5.   The earth revolves round the sun. Present Tense, Past, Present and Future time.
After going through these basic definitions and differences between time and tense, now let's learn about the kinds of tense.
Broadly speaking there are three kinds of tense. These are:-
1. Past tense
example:  I played cricket.
2. Present tense
example:  I play cricket.
3. Future tense
example: I will play cricket.
Each of these tenses are further of four kinds. Lets learn more about them with suitable examples.
i. Simple Past Tense
e.g. She ate an apple.
   ii. Past Continuous Tense
e.g. She was eating an apple.
  iii. Past Perfect Tense
e.g. She had eaten an apple.
  iv. Past Perfect Continuous
e.g She had been eating an apple.
i. Simple Present Tense
e.g. She eats an apple
ii. Present Continuous Tense
e.g. She is eating an apple.
iii. Present Perfect Tense
e.g. She has eaten an apple.
iv. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
e .g. She has been eating an apple.

Saturday, 6 February 2016


(For school and board exams)
In order to score good marks in English you need to have a strong command over all the sections asked in the exam. In this article I am going to deal with the proper way of solving questions of comprehension which help you score more in the examination. In this section you are provided with an unseen passage and based on it you are asked some questions. Roughly there are two kinds of questions asked in this section. The first kind of question comprises of questions based on the subject matter of the passage. The second kind of question comprises of questions based on word power. Many students, on initially seeing the question paper, find the comprehension part really easy. However the marks scored by them in this particular section are below their expectations. For some students the comprehension section becomes really time consuming. And they end up wasting so much time in solving the comprehension that they get very little time to solve other sections. However I personally feel that comprehension are the easiest and the most scoring part of the English exams What else is better than having the answers right in front of you?. Right approach is the key of scoring good marks in comprehension.
To save time the best approach according to me is to go through the questions in the comprehension first. You should read the questions provided at the end of passage first. After you are done going through the questions read the passage. Following this pattern will give you a fair idea of what answers you are supposed to find while reading the passage. Don't forget to mark  the answers while going through the passage. So by now you have read the questions, read the passage and have marked the answer. Now comes the most important part. All these efforts mean nothing if you are not able to present it well in your answer sheet. Remember NEVER to copy the sentence exactly as it is given in the passage. Your answer may be correct but you won't get full marks unless you have written it in your own words. If you don't find much scope of writing in your own words then at least do some modifications in the sentence. However make sure you are just writing the sentence in your own words. You don't have to alter the meaning of the sentence. Grammar also plays a very important role in deciding your marks. Even if you have followed all the above mentioned rules correctly but made some grammatical mistakes, you will surely be losing marks. So be very thorough with grammatical rules. Avoid making a single grammatical mistake. Practice plenty of comprehension based questions. All this will help you score good marks in comprehension. Good luck! :)

Friday, 5 February 2016

The Road Not Taken

(Blogger's tip: Please read NCERT at least twice before studying from this blog. Keep your NCERT book with you while reading the summary.)
Class 9th
The Road Not Taken
The poem "The Road Not Taken" has been written by Robert Frost. The poet comes across a point where he has to choose between two roads and he chooses the road which is less travelled.
The poet came across a point which diverged into two roads. The poet feels sorry that he couldn't travel both the roads. He was in a dilemma regarding which road he should choose. He stood there and looking at both the roads. The first road was worn off because it was travelled by lots of people. The second road was greener and less worn off. This showed that the second road was not preferred by many. The poet decided that he would travel the first road some other day. But he was quite unsure of returning. He chose the less travelled road hoping that it would make a difference in his life.

Thursday, 4 February 2016


(I would suggest the students to go through the chapter from NCERT at least twice before going through this blog. Also please keep your NCERT book with you while you are reading from this blog. Happy Learning! )
CLASS 10th
The story "A Letter To God" is written by G.L. Huentes. This story talks about a farmer named Lencho who was waiting for rain to harvest his crops. But unfortunately the rain was followed by a hailstorm which destroyed his entire crop field. However Lencho didn't lose hope and asked God to help him.

Lencho was a farmer who lived on the top of a low hill along with his family. His corn field needed a final rainfall before harvest. Since morning Lencho was eagerly waiting for a downpour. Lencho felt contended when it began to rain. He considered the rainfall as the new coins. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow followed by the falling of large hailstones. Lencho was waiting for the weather to recover quickly but the hail rained for an hour. The trees became leafless. The flowers were detached from the plants. The corn field was completely destroyed. The field looked white as if it was covered by salt. Lencho's soul turned sad seeing the plight of his field. That was a sorrowful night for Lencho's family. All their efforts had gone in vain. But they had the belief that God wouldn't let them die of hunger. He went to the post office the next and wrote a letter to God telling him how his corn field was destroyed. He asked God to help him by sending him hundred pesos. The postman showed Lencho's letter to the postmaster and both of them laughed heartily. The postmaster decided to help Lencho. He collected money from his employees, his friends and also gave a part of his salary. However he was unable to arrange hundred pesos. He managed to collect seventy pesos, put it in an envelope with a letter containing only one word as a signature: God.
Lencho came earlier than the usual time the next Sunday and asked if there was a letter for him. Postman handed him the letter while postmaster watched all this with a feeling of contentment of having done a good deed. Lencho was so confident that God would help him that he didn't show slightest sign of surprise on receiving the money. But he became angry when he counted the money. He knew God couldn't make a mistake nor He could deny him what he had asked for. Lencho immediately went up to the window to ask for pen and paper and wrote another letter God. The postmaster went to open the letter as soon as Lencho dropped it in the mailbox. Lencho had written that he had received only seventy pesos and had asked God to send him the rest of the money. He had further asked God not to send the money through the post office as the employees of the post office were a bunch of crooks and they would steal his money.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The Fun They Had

Class 9th
The Fun They Had
The chapter "The Fun They Had" has been written by Isaac Asimov.  This chapter deals with the conversation between an eleven year old girl named Margie and a thirteen year old boy, Tommy. The story takes place in future in the year 2157 when the present day's school and teachers have been replaced by virtual classrooms. The children are surprised to find a book printed on paper.
Margie was so amused to see a real book that the even wrote about it in her diary which headed the date 17th May 2157. The book was found by Tommy. He found it in the attic of his house. It was an old book and the pages had turned yellow. The children found it ridiculous to find words that stood still because they thought that words were supposed to move on a screen. This was how they always read. Tommy found the book to be an absolute waste and asked Margie to throw it away. He considered his television screen to be way better than the book that he had found as his television screen contained millions of books. Margie asked Tommy about the contents of the book. Tommy replied that the book was about school. Margie always hated school and was surprised thinking what could somebody write about school. She had begun hating her school even more because of her mechanical teacher who had been giving her tests after tests in geography and she kept performing miserably in those tests until her mother sent for the country inspector. Margie was hoping that the country inspector wouldn't know how to repair the mechanical teacher or he would take it away with him. But he was able to repair it within an hour which disappointed Margie. He slowed it down to the level of an average ten year old child. The mechanical teacher was large, black and ugly. It had a big screen for displaying lessons and questions. Margie had to write her homework in punched code which she was made to learn when she was six years old. Margie hated most the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. Mechanical teacher would calculate the marks in no time.
Tommy described the old kind of schools to her. He told her that the teacher during those days wasn't a mechanical teacher rather it was a man. Margie had no idea about it and she was amused thinking how could a man be smart enough to teach. Tom told her that there was a special building where the children went to study. He further added that all the students of the same age learnt the same thing. Margie's mother called her for attending her school which was next to her bedroom. Her mechanical teacher was always there at the same time except on Saturday and Sunday. Margie inserted her homework in the mechanical teacher's slot. While the mechanical teacher was flashing arithmatics on the screen, Margie was thinking about the fun the children of old schools had learning the same things, laughing and shouting together.