Monday, 8 February 2016


PART - 1 

Hello everyone! From today I have started writing chapters of grammar in my blog. Importance of grammar is well known to all of you. You can't score well in English unless you have complete command over grammar. While including the chapters of grammar of grammar in my blog I'll keep in mind the requirements of school and board exams as well as competitive exams like SSC, Banking, Railway etc. I feel that the way of studying grammar remains the same whether you are in school or you are preparing for competitions. The grammatical rules are the same for everyone. If you have studied grammar well in your school days you will be scoring good in competitive exams too. And if you are not able to score good in competitive exams then instead of going through very high level books, you should go through some standard grammar book for class 9th and 10th. In this chapter I will be discussing tense with you. For your convenience I have written the chapter part wise. This is the first part and will be consisting of introduction some basic points. I suggest you not to skip this part as this part is very helpful in building foundation for further study of tense. Happy Learning!
Tense is that form of a verb which denotes the time of an action and its degree of completeness.
Time and tense are NOT the same thing.
Time is basically a concept.
Let's go through some examples to understand the difference between time and tense. 
1. He goes to Patna. => Present time, Present Tense
2. He went to Patna. => Past time, Past tense
3. He goes to Patna tomorrow => Future time, Present tense. Though the word "goes" denotes present tense, the sentence denotes future time.
4. He wanted to see you. => Past tense, Present, Past and Future time. The word "wanted" is in past tense but the sentence is in past, present and future time.
5.   The earth revolves round the sun. Present Tense, Past, Present and Future time.
After going through these basic definitions and differences between time and tense, now let's learn about the kinds of tense.
Broadly speaking there are three kinds of tense. These are:-
1. Past tense
example:  I played cricket.
2. Present tense
example:  I play cricket.
3. Future tense
example: I will play cricket.
Each of these tenses are further of four kinds. Lets learn more about them with suitable examples.
i. Simple Past Tense
e.g. She ate an apple.
   ii. Past Continuous Tense
e.g. She was eating an apple.
  iii. Past Perfect Tense
e.g. She had eaten an apple.
  iv. Past Perfect Continuous
e.g She had been eating an apple.
i. Simple Present Tense
e.g. She eats an apple
ii. Present Continuous Tense
e.g. She is eating an apple.
iii. Present Perfect Tense
e.g. She has eaten an apple.
iv. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
e .g. She has been eating an apple.

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